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Beneficiary ID Check
You have received this notification because we are instructed to act in connection with the administration of an estate where a legacy has been left to you in the Will of the deceased.
The next steps and what you need to do now
1. Please read this letter and the details on how to verify your identity.
2. Downloadable from the bottom of this article and sent in the post to you with this letter is a Beneficiary Details Form. Please complete this and return it to us in the provided envelope. This information allows us to verify your Identity and know how you wish to receive the legacy. Information on how we handle your data can be found on our website or a hard copy can be requested by calling us on 01209 213 646 -
3. Please complete the Electronic ID check or verify your Identity in person based on your choice and as indicated on your details form.
Businesses, Charities & Other Entities
Depending on the set up of your organisation we will need sufficient ID for each member as listed.
Registered Companies
Your Companies House registration number along with full ID as described on page one for each registered Officer.
Proof of address and Registration of the Partnership, along with full ID as described on page one for each Partner.
Your registration number and proof of registered status, along with full ID as described on page one for each Officer, Trustee and/or Partner.
Private Limited Companies
Proof of registration on the Stock exchange along with full ID as described on page one for the individual handling the matter, & a letter of Authority from the Board of Directors.
Government Body/Organisation
Proof of status, alongside full ID as described on page one for the individual dealing with the matter, & a letter of authority from the Organisation/Body.
Banks & Other regulated Financial Institutes/Organisations
Proof or regulation by FCA & of Company Registration, along with full ID as described on page one for the individual handling the matter, & a letter of Authority from the Board of Directors
ID Help Sheet
For more information on acceptable forms of Photo ID and address ID along with some common FAQs please see the separate article HERE
Security & Data at Thirdfort
For more information on Security and Data at Thirdfort please see the separate article HERE
Elderly Clients
More information on the process of Verifying the Identity of an Elderly client HERE
Under 18s
More information on the process of Verifying the Identity of an individual under 18 HERE
Verifying your Identity In-Person
More information on the process of In-person ID Verification can be found HERE
Verifying your identity Electronically
More information on the process of Electronic Identification Verification can be found HERE
Identification Verification Regulations
More information on the ID regulations can be found in the separate article HERE
Help and support (Thirdfort App-based Check)
For Help and support when completing the app-based electronic ID check please see the separate article HERE